Vision of this team:
This team focuses on 9th precinct projects. We want to see change in the community as the projects are completed. We work to see that all the project needs are met and complete as best we can.
Focus Areas:
Community Projects
Find & Identify Projects from applications & calls
Help send out Applications to those interested
Check scope of projects & Needs (# people & tools, etc.)
Identify Lead from Community on project (Who will meet & greet & lead project)
Coordinate projects with Elizabeth
Manage & Organize Camper Tools
Check on/Oversee each project the day of
Before/During/After Photos
Meet with volunteers to talk about projects and needs.
Possible Future Projects:
Putting together community based sheds with tools/lawn mowers.
Application Process is in place
Tools - George has a master plan!
We would love to have you as a part of our 9th Precinct Projects team! Want to sign up to help? Click the link below. Have questions? Email