Programming Team
Vision of this team:
This team is focused on providing children’s and adult outreach programs that will take place in the White House and the Redeemer House.
Focus Areas:
White House and Redeemer House outreach programs
Work with community to identify needed programs
Find working partners with solid programs
Develop partner contacts
Develop soft skills and children's education programs
Possible Future Projects:
Developing a tutoring center
Planning a STEM program K-12 - Lego Robotics?
Developing a Maker’s Space with 3D Printers, sewing Machines, Computers, Cameras, etc.
Identify Satellite Programs to house at CRD
Food bank
Some sort of job opportunity for adults (coffee house)
Seniors Programs - socialization/outing/trip
We have a tutoring program in action currently
We would love to have you as a part of our Programming Team! Want to sign up to help? Click the link below. Have questions? Email