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Camp Restore Detroit

Blessings Abound! A Photo collage! 

12 of 12 blessings we are celebrating!

Sometimes we get so ‘in motion’ that when we stop we wonder what we are doing. A little over a year ago, I had that feeling. I was asking God, “Are we following your will here in Detroit? Are we making a difference?” In those rare calm moments I felt His presence saying, “just keep on keeping on. You’ll see.” Slowly but surely, an amazing plan began unfolding before our eyes. We have spent the last few weeks reading about that growth - lives transformed, God’s love shared, and community projects accomplished, so today, enjoy some pictures, knowing you had a hand in each of these! 

Camp Restore has grown and our community been blessed so much in 2024 that it is unbelievable!  So much has been done and the difference you have made is visible. Yet we are far from done. There are more families, youth, and seniors who are looking forward to a different future, as well as places and projects to accomplish in our community. Hang on with us as we see what God has in store for 2025! 

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